Thursday, April 17, 2008

Things I have taught my kids

I love the teaching aspect of being a Mom. I love watching my kids figure things out and, learn things. Having my boys at the ages they are now, (2 1/2 and 19 months) they learn a lot in the course of a day. That being said I have learned more and more everyday that your kids not only learn those things that are taught, for example colors, shapes, numbers, words. They learn everything from you. I have comprise a list of those things that I inadvertantly taught my kids, this is not neccesarily a good thing.

Benjamin now says:

"That's enough", whenever jacob cries, which I say to jacob (when he is whinning) and the dog when he barks.
"Are you kidding me?" whenever I catch him doing something naughty.
"Get off your phone" whenever I say anything to a car while drivng.
"What", whenever I speak to him, i think because it is hard to understand him so when he is with people other than me and Bobby, but us included, we say what to him when we can not understand him.

He not only says these things but it is like looking in the mirror when he says them. He makes my facial expressions and somethimes stands just like me while reapting these phraes.

Jacob now says:

"Benjamin", with a tone like I use when Ben is beating Jacob, whenever he is being attacked.
"Eww, that is stinky", with his nose in the air when I changed Benjamins diaper.

It is amazing to me how much they watch and listen to you. I have also learned that if I over reacted when the little things happen that they both over react over everything they can not do. I am trying to remain calm and the last couple of weeks have been wonderful. I find that Ben and Jacob try to figure things out on there own a lot more. They are less whinny, and a lot more happy. It is true what they say, The mom sets the tone for the mood of the house.


The Pea said...

I loved this one. you are a great mom, if those are the only things that are "bad" they take away you are on the right track!! I so want to her Jacob say Benjamin!