Thursday, September 27, 2007

"I Love You"

Three simple yet so powerful words. They change any mood to happiness. they make a smile appear through tears. They make someone feel wanted and needed. And yet even with this knowledge they are so often not said. We walk through our lives with the assumption that because we say it every so often those that we love know that we love them and it does not need to be said. Maybe some believe that the phrase "I Love You", has been taken for granted for years and said when it was not truely meant and so it has lost some of its value. Or maybe it is just that people feel if said to much the recipient may start to get accustomed to it and it will start to loose its full potential. Those outside of relationships where it has been said may be sacred and feel that it will not be said in return. In any case I urge everyone who feels it to say it as often as they feel necessary. It is a phrase that if said is never regretted. But if left unsaid is almost always regretted.


The Pea said...

Love ya babe.... I mean it....Really I do!!!