Thursday, February 14, 2008

I Can Cook. Who Knew?

I have never been a good cook. When I was about 13 I made a cake with out the oil and it was disgusting. That same year I cooked pudding on the stove in a glass bowl. For any of you who are thinking, "what's wrong with that?", Glass + heat= explostion. I broke the bowl into a thousand little tiny pieces. When I was seventeen I burned macaroni and cheese, the kinda that comes in a box, it was not even homemade. I was eighteen when I finally flipped a egg and was so excited that I made a long distance phone call to my mom in Utah.

So needless to say this has been my biggest struggle lately. It has taken three years, one husband, and two hungry boys later to finally master the skill. I have made for the first time in my life four nights in a row, good heathly, and not from a box, dinners for my family. On monday i made homemade chicken nuggets, which were good enough that we had none left. (I am feeding my in-laws too. Tough crowd) On tuesday I made a pork roast and homeade french fries. And yesterday and tonight I have made casseroles. I have finally gained enough confidence to try new things and venture out. It has been so fullfilling and I feel like I am finally one of those moms that people talk about how they miss there moms food most when gone. Hopefully I will continue to get better and better.


S'mee said...

This is great! So glad to hear you are having fun in the kitchen! If you ever need advice or a good recipe, Chronicler is your gal. She can explain all the "why"s about cooking and baking, like why soda instead of powder, or do you really need 3 eggs if you only have 2? yeah she's good.

Anywho, glad to see you again!

The1stdaughter said...

You sound just like me in my youth. I thought I would substitute water for the oil. Didn't work. Uh? Who knew? Anyways, I also do a lot better now and I have a husband that is an amazing cook. So, it works out great.

If you are looking for a great cookbook with easy healthy recipes you should try the knew Martha Stewart Cookbook, "Everyday Food:Great Food Fast", or the magazine "Everyday Food" is a worthwhile subscription. We love trying new things and these books/mags make it easy. Goodluck!

The Pea said...

Did you do the nuggets from D.D. Holy cow they were Yummy. Good for you. And by the way you make a mean grilled cheese, You always have!

The Pea said...

You have a tag over at my place,
Love ya!!